Formación > En Europa
Institutos y Universidades en Europa
Sección donde trato de recoger la mayor parte de Institutos, Universidades y Escuelas de Formación y Educación dentro del paradigma de la psicología transpersonal en Europa.
Liverpool John Moores University
Great Britan, Liverpool
MSc in Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology

Master en Psicología Transpersonal y Conciencia

These programmes of study are designed for those who wish to pursue an intellectually challenging postgraduate programme in the areas of Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology. We also encourage students to integrate their academic studies with an exploration of their own potential for personal and transpersonal development.

The programmes cover a number of topics, all of which have been at the forefront of change within psychology over recent years (as demonstrated by the establishment within the British Psychological Society of Sections for Consciousness and Experiential Psychology and for Transpersonal Psychology). These areas include the psychology and neuropsychology of consciousness and self, humanistic and transpersonal psychology, and the psychology of mysticism and religious experience.

Study to MSc level includes an emphasis on research methods to permit a thorough comprehension of key research findings, and to enable students to conduct their own original research.

Psychology Web pages:


CTP Research Unit:


MSc Web pages:


Online programme:


Download application form for online programme:


The University of Northampton
Great Britan, Northampton
MSc in Consciousness and Transpersonal PsychologyMaster en Psicología Transpersonal y Conciencia

Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies is an emerging new field within psychology. It is an exciting area that offers both new scientific insight into the functioning of human consciousness and practical skills in applying altered and higher states of consciousness to practical, psychological, educational, and other tasks. This course studies higher states of consciousness, which differ from our everyday mode of functioning. Consequently, this programme offers both experiential elements, and traditional taught elements that aim at conveying cutting-edge knowledge and critical analytic skills for dealing with such experiences and their consequences and ramifications.

Students will not only learn how to access such higher states of consciousness, but also to critically analyse the experiences and do high quality research in this exciting new area embedded in a research environment specialised in this area.


The University of Wales Lampeter - Religious Experience Research Centre
Religious Experience Research Centre:
Department of Theology & Religious Studies,
University of Wales Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7ED.
Directors: Prof. Paul Badham, Dr. Wendy Dossett and Prof. Xinzhong Yao


The function of the Religious Experience Research Centre is the study of contemporary spiritual and religious experience.  It is situated at the University of Wales, Lampeter, together with its archive of accounts of spiritual experiences and specialist library. A study of the common features and common outcomes of spiritual/religious experience across religious traditions. A study of the results of spiritual and religious experience. Educational programmes, and a programme of lectures and workshops across the UK which increase awareness of research into spirituality and religious experience. Running an MA course in Religious Experience in conjunction with the University of Wales, Lampeter [see M.A. Course]. The course can be residential in Lampeter or taken part-time at a distance.



L'Institut de Psychologie Transpersonnelle Asociación Transpersonal Francesa
Paris, France

L'Institut du Transpersonnel est un organisme qui forme des chercheurs dans le champ
du transpersonnel. L'obtention du Certificat se fait après la participation aux activités et
la soutenance d'un Mémoire de recherche.
Institut de recherche et de formatique dans le champ du Transpersonnel, il donne une formation de base en psychologie transpersonnelle.



Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes en Thérapies Transpersonnelles

Le GRETT est une association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901 dont les statuts ont été déposés en novembre 2003. Il est membre de l'Association Européenne de Transpersonnel (EUROTAS) et géré par un Conseil. Il a pour but de créer un espace interdisciplinaire d'échange de partage de recherche entre toutes les personnes intéressées par le courant transpersonnel dans un esprit de liberté, d'ouverture, de diversité et de respect des convictions individuelles



Koestler Parapsychology Unit
Ver directorio con mucho links.
Based in Edinburgh, Scotland

The unit is part of the Psychology Department (School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences) at the University of Edinburgh. It consists of a group of academic staff and postgraduate students with an active interest in parapsychology. Parapsychology is defined as the scientific study of the capacity attributed to some individuals to interact with their environment by means other than the recognised sensorimotor channels. The neutral term ‘psi’ is used to denote this hypothesised capacity though no assumption is made as to the mechanisms underlying people’s psi experiences. At the KPU we have always taken a broad approach to parapsychology and included psychological, historical, philosophical and other disciplinary perspectives, regarding parapsychology as an interdisciplinary problem area.



The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology
London, England

The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology (CTP) is a registered charity and an Accrediting Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). Founded in 1973 by Ian Gordon-Brown and Barbara Somers, it has been a driving force in the development of transpersonal psychology in the UK for over 30 years, and today is situated at the very heart of new, progressive transpersonal ideas, activities and innovation. It runs a range of beginner, intermediate and advanced courses and workshops for individuals in professional preparation that want to become accredited integrative psychotherapists in a transpersonal context, for accredited members who wish to continue their professional development by adding a transpersonal perspective to their existing clinical work, and for those who are pursuing their own transpersonal psychological development..


HORIZON, Research Foundation. 

Science at the horizon of life.
Southampton, UK

Are we humans simply a collection of chemical processes or do we have a separate component that gives us life? What is the relationship between the mind and the brain and what happens to our mind and consciousness at the end of life? This website has been established to enable all those who are interested in this fascinating area of research to get updated objective information, as well as having an up to date resource centre.


Schumacher College

An international centre educating and inspiring for sustainability
Devon, UK

Schumacher College was founded in 1991 on the conviction that a new vision is needed for society, its values and its relationship to the earth. Over the last decade the College has become a centre of excellence with an international reputation for the inspiration, quality and breadth of its teaching.

Ver también este directorio del Instituto de Psicología Paranormal. Un directorio de diversos centros, universidades e institutos en donde se investiga y estudia los paranormal, la conciencia, la psicología transpersonal y humanista.

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